It's been too long since the last post. After being wonderfully swamped with orders for my hoods, I took a break from them for a while. But now, finally, I've gotten some of the patterns published. The lion and the panda are both available for sale at and and Fox and Wolf should be done soon, too. I also added patterns to for a textured basket, the Sleepy Sheepy EOS lip balm holder, and the Baby Chicken EOS lip balm holder.
Click on the links if you have an interest in purchasing one. And THANK YOU for your interest and support. It's such a privilege to be able to do what you love and to know that others love it too.
Remember these links are for the pattern ONLY. If you're interested in purchasing a completed item, you can message me at the Facebook page, a link to which you can find on the Ravelry site. Thanks!

This one is FREE

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